
Services provided by the volunteers at Las Animas Helping Hands are available to residents of the city of Las Animas and Bent County, Colorado. Services are available year-round as there is funding.

To apply for energy assistance from Las Animas Helping Hands download the forms on this page. Please fill out the application, copy or bring your ID and bill to the Las Animas Municipal  Utilities (LAMU) or send them to Las Animas Helping Hands. You must apply for LEAP before you apply for assistance from Helping Hands. Please contact Helping Hands if you have a energy provider other than LAMU.

Completed forms can be taken to:
Las Animas Municipal Utilities
532 Carson Ave.
Las Animas, CO 81054

Emailed to:
[email protected]

Mailed to:
Las Animas Helping Hands
P.O. Box 576
Las Animas, CO 81054

Women placing bags in a cart